
Secondary DIT Window

The Secondary DIT Tree is optional and allows simple (non-search) navigation within a configured DIT activated by Show Secondary and defined by Secondary DIT Configuration. It is part of the LDAPviewer Window. In addition there is always a Primary DIT, Search DIT and a Schema DIT. Depending on the Connection Profile there may be a RootDSE Tree.

Note: The Secondary DIT must be on the same LDAP server as the Primary DIT (they share a common URL). Examples of Secondary DITs include:

  1. Primary DIT - different permissions (user DN and password). Allowing test of the ACL/ACI/ACP system.
  2. Primary DIT - different base DN. A subset of the DIT with possibly different permissions/credentials.
  3. Another DIT - in a multi-DIT LDAP server.
  4. Configuration DIT - many LDAP implementations provide LDAP on-line (real-time) configuration using a DIT.
  5. Monitor and Statistics DIT - many LDAP implementations provide server monitoring and/or statistics using a DIT.

When a connection is initially opened LDAPviewer displays the base DN entry (defined in the Secondary DN and the first level of Entry expansion. In addition each entry shows an icon unique to its objectClass to provide a visual clue as to usage and content:

Secondary DIT Tree - initial


  1. Other than the DIT Base DN, all other entries show only their RDN or Naming Attribute(s) to minimize clutter.

  2. The topmost entry in every DIT Tree is labelled World as shown:

    DIT Tree - world

    World is a Convenience entry and is provided to allow multi-DIT trees to be displayed using a common root. Selecting World has no effect and the previously selected entry is used in any subsequent Edit menu or Button bar commands.

The DIT may be navigated by clicking a particular entry, by the use of a Bookmark, Search Bar or by using the Search Menu.

The currently selected entry is highlighted by using a BLUE background. However, if the selected entry is an Alias (objectClass alias) and Alias Deref. is Always (default) then the entry and any children are shown highlighted in Gray as shown:

DIT Tree - selected alias entry

Alias Dereferencing Options may be changed at any time using the Alias item of the Options menu.

Clicking (Selecting) any Entry will expand it to the next level as shown:

DIT Tree - expanded DIT

Drap and Drop operations are supported in the Primary DIT window.

Right-clicking on any entry will show a Popup Menu:

DIT Tree - initial

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