
LDAPviewer - Connection Profile Format

Connection Profiles are maintained in the profiles directory. They are text files whose name format is profile-name.profile, where profile-name is the name given to the Connection Profile by the user when it was created and .profile is the file type suffix. Note: While it is possible to edit the profiles using any text editor, caution should be exercised, since unuseable profiles may result causing LDAPviewer to reject use of the Connection Profile. In all cases NEVER delete profile line items unless you fully understand the consequences.

Connection Profile Example

The following is an example Connection Profile consisting of a number of line items in the standard Java Properties format. Each line item has the generic format name=value and is explained in the following sections.

#Generated Property List C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Roaming\LV\profiles\example-dse+config.profile
# Connection Profile for example-dse+config
#Mon Feb 22 02:16:07 EST 2016
attributes=* +


  1. The backslash (\) characters are inserted automatically by the Java functions as escape characters and are present only when a second (or more) = (equals) character appears in the line item. If a line item containing an '=' in the value field is modified then the backslash (\) escape character must be added.

  2. Each line item MUST be present in the file with an appropriate value field. If a line item is deleted it reverts to a default value which may radically change the behavior of the profile.

  3. While the above file has been sorted for convenience of documentation, line items are not sorted and may appear in any order.

Connection Profile Line Items

Line items consist of a name=value entry. Each name item in the sample file above is explained below, the value will be unique to the profile to which it belongs.

NOTE: Lines beginning with # (hash) are comments and contain human readable information about the file. They have no effect on the Connection Profile and may be omitted, however, they are written whenever the file is saved and existing comments are not preserved.

Line Item Name Description:

  1. append= Reflects the value of the Append Base DN setting on the Connections Dialog (true/false - not case sensitive).
  2. attributes= Reflects the value of the Attribute Types setting on the Connections Dialog (may be * only, + only, + *).
  3. basedn= Reflects the value of the Base DN setting on the Connections Dialog (a DN or empty).
  4. configdit= Reflects the value of the Show OLC DIT setting on the Connections Dialog (true/false - not case sensitive).
  5. config.dn= Reflects the value of the OLC DN setting on the Connections Dialog (a DN or empty).
  6. config.password= Reflects the value of the OLC Password setting on the Connections Dialog (password or empty).
  7. config.security= Reflects the value of the Access Type setting on the Connections Dialog (Anonymous, User+Password, TLS+Anonymous, TLS+User+Password, GSSAPI, TLS+SASL+keystore - case insensitive).
  8. config.userdn= Reflects the value of the OLC User DN setting on the Connections Dialog (a DN or empty).
  9. dereference= Reflects the value of the Deref. Aliases setting on the Connections Dialog (always, never, searching, finding - not case sensitive).
  10. discover= Reflects the value of the Discover DITs setting on the Connections Dialog (true/false - not case sensitive).
  11. dsml= Reflects the value of the DSML Service setting on the Connections Dialog (url or empty).
  12. host= Reflects the value of the Host setting on the Connections Dialog (host mame in either URL format, ldap://ldap.example.com, or the preferred simple hostname format, ldap.example.com).
  13. name= Reflects the value of the Profile Name setting on the Connections Dialog (MUST be the same name as the Connection Profile - case-sensitive and without the file suffix).
  14. pagesize= Reflects the value of the Pagesize setting on the Connections Dialog (number in the range 0 to 64000).
  15. password= Reflects the value of the Password setting on the Connections Dialog (either empty or base64 encoded password depending on the setting of Save in Profile).
  16. port= Reflects the value of the Port setting on the Connections Dialog (number in the range 0 to 64000).
  17. protocol= Reflects the value of the Protocol setting on the Connections Dialog (LDAPv3, LDAPv2 or DSMLv2 - case insensitive).
  18. readonly= Reflects the value of the Read Only setting on the Connections Dialog (true or false - case insensitive).
  19. referral= Reflects the value of the Referrals setting on the Connections Dialog (ignore or follow - case insensitive).
  20. rootdse= Reflects the value of the Show RootDSE setting on the Connections Dialog (true or false - case insensitive).
  21. root.password= Reflects the value of the RootDSE Password setting on the Connections Dialog (either empty, base64 encoded password (JRLE 8 or higher) or clear text password depending on the setting of Save in Profile).
  22. root.security= Reflects the value of the AccessType setting on the Connections Dialog (Anonymous, User+Password, TLS+Anonymous, TLS+User+Password, GSSAPI, TLS+SASL+keystore - case insensitive).
  23. root.userdn Reflects the value of the User DN setting on the Connections Dialog (empty or DN - case insensitive).
  24. savepw= Reflects the value of the Save in Profile setting on the Connections Dialog (true/false - not case sensitive).
  25. security= Reflects the value of the Access Type setting on the Connections Dialog (Anonymous, User+Password, TLS+Anonymous, TLS+User+Password, GSSAPI, TLS+SASL+keystore - case insensitive).
  26. timeout= Reflects the value of the Timeout setting on the Connections Dialog (number in the range 0 64000 - time is in milliseconds).
  27. tls.type= Reflects the value of the TLS setting on the Connections Dialog (Check, Any, User, KS - case insensitive).
  28. treesort= Reflects the value of the Sort Tree setting on the Connections Dialog (none, ascend, descend - not case sensitive).
  29. userdn= Reflects the value of the User DN setting on the Connections Dialog (true/false - not case sensitive).

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