
LDAPviewer - Edit Postal Address

The Postal Address attribute format (homePostalAddress attribute and others) requires that each line of the address be separated with a $ symbol. The Postal Address Editor is invoked from either the HTML Editor or the Table Editor whenever an attribute requiring this format (example illustrated) is edited and is provided as a convenience:

Postal Address editor example

The editor removes the $ separator and displays each address element on a separate line as shown:

Postal Address Editor

Lines may be edited, added or removed as required and the $ separator is added to each line when (or if) the attribute is updated.

If all lines are removed then the attribute value is set to an empty value meaning it will be deleted when the entry is updated.

All Button

OK Button

Closes the editor window and saves all changes made to the attribute being edited (adding the $ separator as required).

Reset Button

Clicking this button removes all current edits and restores the string to its original state (when the string editor was invoked). Further edits may be applied as required.

Copy Button

Copies the selected text (highlighted in blue) to the system clipboard, without any $ separators, where it may be pasted into an appropriate application or into another attribute field.

Sting editor - copy to clipboard

Paste Button

Pastes the contents of the system clipboard at the insertion point (highlighted in yellow in the illustrated window):

String Editor - paste from clipboard insertion

Cancel Button

Unconditionally closes the editor window without saving any user changes. The attribute field is unchanged.

Help Button

Displays this page.

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