
LDAPviewer Theme Icons

LDAPviewer supports a number of Java Look and Feel selections. These are controlled and selected from the Preferences item of the Options menu. These are in addition to any supported themes.

In the current release of LDAPviewer a single theme named default is supported. Any named icon may be replaced by the user.

Each theme maintains an images and an icons directory (for the location of theme and other directories).

Icons are used by a number of elements in LDAPviewer. Unless otherwise noted the term Icon is generic and may have the suffixes (extensions) .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png. The dimensions and any special considerations are noted in the sections below:

ObjectClass Icons in DIT Trees

Icons used when displaying DIT entries are identified by prepending obj- (case sensitive) to a (case insensitive) objectclass name. Thus, if a icon for the object class inetOrgPerson is being provided it will have a name of obj-inetorgperson.xxx (where xxx may be .gif, .png, .jpg or .jpeg). The icon must be 16 x 16 pixels and should have a transparent background. Only a small number of objectClass icons are provided for common objectClasses all other objectClasses use the obj-default.png icon. The globe icon at the top of every DIT uses the obj-world.png icon. All schemea definitions use th obj-schema.png icon.

Menu Icons

Icons are used on the optional Button Bar, all drop down menus on the main menu bar and on popup menus to provide visual clues. Menu icons should be provided in both 16 x 16 pixels and 24 x 24 formats and should have a transparent background. The file suffix or extension may be .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png (preferred). 16 x 16 icons have format command-2x.ext and 24 x 24 icons command-3x.ext (where command is a short description of the menu function). If the item will appear on the button bar (16 x 16 icons only) and additional icon with the name command-off-2x.ext should be provided. This icon should have a gray background.

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