This section contains information on cabling, pin-outs and other wiring issues for telephony - a tad sparse just now - one day we'll add more but don't hold your breath.
FAQ | Who sets the standards for various wiring specs, Cat 2, 4 5 and 5e and all that jazz. RS232 and V.24, V.35 and DB25. And lots of other obscure stuff. |
ISDN | ISDN U and S/T wiring. Analog one day real soon™. |
T1 | Link to a page on generic RS-xxx wiring which includes T1. |
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ISO (International)
IEC (International)
DIN (Germany)
AFNOR (France)
ITU (International)
RS Alphabet Soup
Cable FAQ
Modular Jacks
Serial Primer
RS-232 wiring
lan wiring
trouble shooting lans
mixed lan wiring
telephony wiring