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Tech Stuff - W3C DOM Page Explorer

Sorry but your Browser is NOT currently supported - and probably never will be. Major browser families only at this time. Question of priorities.

The above message indicates the current support state of your browser by this page. This will change over time as we get round to supporting low usage browsers.

Note: This page does not work for certain versions of K-Meleon (and perhaps other Gecko clones). Seems preventDefault is not effective in blocking the bubbling so you always get a context menu. No idea why at this stage. Works fine in Firefox/Moz.

Ignore all the under construction stuff. We just left the original page 'cos it had some images and stuff on it and frankly we couldn't be bothered to do anything but add a few test bits and pieces to the page.

This page uses our early programming experiments with the DOM-2 and has lots of limitations which we may get round to removing one day (or then again maybe not).

Right click anywhere on this page to display a list of all the 'thingies' that make up this page (there are ~ 1,000 nodes on this page!!). This will pop-up a first level display of this page and from which you can:


  1. You will see a lot of entries with 'text=' apparently blank. This is white space (typically end-of-line' markers and blank lines) in the page.

  2. The page may take a couple of seconds to become active since it uses a semi-intrusive (or a semi-non-intrusive - it's all in the perspective) technique to give every element an 'id' at load time.

  3. To access the right click we've disabled the normal context menu on this page only.

To view whole page source. To view the smasher code only. For a reasonable explanation of the code.

1st test paragraph

2nd test paragraph

Test Table

Cell 1 Row 1 Cell 2 row 1
Cell 1 Row 1 Cell 2 row 1

Actually we were waiting for inspiration and enlightenment. Well, it all seemed like a good idea at the time.

so very, very sorry

Problems, comments, suggestions, corrections (including broken links) or something to add? Please take the time from a busy life to 'mail us' (at top of screen), the webmaster (below) or info-support at zytrax. You will have a warm inner glow for the rest of the day.

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If you are happy it's OK - but your browser is giving a less than optimal experience on our site. You could, at no charge, upgrade to a W3C standards compliant browser such as Firefox


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HTML Stuff

W3C HTML 4.01
HTML5 Reference
W3C Page Validator

CSS Stuff

W3C CSS2.1

DOM Stuff

W3C DOM Events
Gecko DOM

Web Style Guide

Jolly Useful

Peter-Paul Koch
A List Apart
Eric Meyer on CSS
DOCTYPE definitions

Our Stuff

Our DOM Pages
DOM User Guide
DOM Explorer
DOM Navigation
CSS Techniques
CSS Short Cuts
CSS overview
Oh Really!




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Page modified: January 20 2022.