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GDB - MPCBDM User Guide

We use the MPCBDM interface and tools available from here (great work guys) but got tired trying to remember all the commands and error messages so here is our User Guide:

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Error Messages

Most error messages are full text - the ones below are more cryptic - and VERY important. These pesky messages typically indicate you have a problem with your interface (and since you probably made it yourself you need to fix it). In all the cases below you can issue the following command to view the status of all lines on the interface.

!C Re-attach currently active/outstanding. We do not have a good connection with target.
E! Incoming error from Target (DSDO). Sequence error. Target sent a message when it should not have done. MPCBDM does not think target is in debug mode.
I! Incoming error from Target (DSDO). Unexpected interrupt.
P! Port Error. You are attempting to access the PC de-bug port and it was not initialized. The port may already be in use or was denied to you. You may not be running as root.
R! Incoming error from Target (DSDO). Not ready. DSDO should bo LOW to indicate READY condition.
S! Incoming error from Target (DSDO). Unprocessed interrupt. MPCBDM does not expect to handle this interrupt.

Configuration & Environnment Directives

These messages control the overall workings of 'mpcbdm'.

mpcbdm_adapter X Defines the version of adaptor being used X = 1 = version 1 (FRZ on pins 6 & 2 ) X = 2 Version 2 (default).
mpcbdm_delay X Controls the delay between operations. X is defined in units of 1ms. NOTE: delays are performed via CPU loops so they cost you (default = 0 = no delays).
set mpcbdm_power X Controls the provision of power from the LPT port X = 0 = OFF X = 1 = ON. Use 'Port X' command to read.
mpcbdm_verbose X Controls the display of messages using a mask as follows:
1 = BDM operations
2 = IO operations (sending)
4 = Hardware Breakpoint operations
8 = MPC MMU operations
10 = TAR?
20 = Data cache operations
40 = FLASH operations
80 = MPC SRR1 operations
mpcbdm_mmu ?.
mpcbdm_reattach Incoming error from Target (DSDO). Unprocessed interrupt. MPCBDM does not expect to handle this interrupt.
mpcbdm_hwbrk ?.
mpcbdm_fflash ?.
mpcbdm_flashdev ?.
mpcbdm_dflush ?.
mpcbdm_relaxed ?.
mpcbdm_wait ?.
mpcbdm_toggle ?.
mpcbdm_fquery ?.
mpcbdm_fbuf ?.
mpcbdm_fsizebuf ?.
mpcbdm_pram ?.

mpcdbm Commands

These commands access unique 'mpcbdm' features. The prefix 'mpcbdm' can be shortened to anything that disambiguates the recipient e.g. 'mp' is usually OK.

reset ?.
restart ?.
spr ?.
sprs ?:
upms ?.
flash ?.
port X Where X defines the port number. Displays 'port: adapter version A at port X ioaddr from 0xBBB to 0xCCC, FREEZE=0xDD'. If power is being supplied from the LPT port the additional line will indicate 'powering adapter from port, POWER=0xEE'.

Key to symbols:
A = Adaptor version currently either 1 or 2 (default assumes 2).
X = Port number requested in command.
BBB = the low memory mapped address of the LPT port being used.
CCC = the high memory mapped address of the LPT port being used.
DD = value of the FRZ signal 1 = in frozen state (code not running) 0 = code running in target CPU.
EE = value of the power control bit 0 = no power from LPT port 1 = power from LPT port.

mem ?.
icache ?.
dcache ?.
mmu ?.

Problems, comments, suggestions, corrections (including broken links) or something to add? Please take the time from a busy life to 'mail us' (at top of screen), the webmaster (below) or info-support at zytrax. You will have a warm inner glow for the rest of the day.

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